Note - Everything mentioned below is a part of my imagination. Anything similar to reality is purely a coincidence. Please see this only as fiction. No hate towards a particular religion is accepted or tolerated. RESPECT ALL. Happy Reading!
"Dadu... Happy Happy birthday, I love you so much...", Karan and Kiara wished Narayan, hugging him tightly from either side.
Arya absent-mindedly served all the delicacies she prepared for her grandfather. Narayan kept looking at his most favorite granddaughter expectantly.
"Karan, Kiara, sit and have breakfast...", Arya said serving them too.
"Dadu... Eat and have your medicines. I'll be back soon", she added
"Where are you going?", Narayan asked with a frown.
"Office...", Arya said still lost in her thoughts.
"Oh! Arya... Is something wrong?", Narayan asked seriously and Area's face paled for a second.
"No... Why do you ask?", She questioned being as casual as possible.
"Today is my birthday meri jaan(my jaan)", Narayan said softly.
"Of course I know, Dadu. That's why I prepared all your favorites with special permission from your strict nutritionist," Arya said, pinching his cheek with a smile.
"But you didn't wish me till now, every year, you would be the first person to wish me a birthday", Narayan complained and Arya bit her cheek.
"I'm so sorry dadu... I thought I wished you... Sorry my bestest dadu... I got busy in preparing all this for the birthday boy that I completely forgot wishing him...", Arya said holding her ears.
"No you will not be forgiven so easily... Feed me", Narayan said and Arya nodded with a smile picking up the spoon and fork but Rajini's voice stopped her.
"Chote saab(Prateek) isn't opening the door, I went to give him coffee but the door is locked... He is getting late for office", Rajini said, spoon and fork dropped from Arya's hands. She rushed to Prateek's room and started banging the door.
"Dad... Dad... Open the door. Bl**dy open the door... Karan... Karan break it, break the door", Arya yelled for her cousin, Karan and Kiara started rushing upstairs when Prateek opened the door.
"Arya... Beta, I was in the shower...", Prateek said, Arya shut her eyes in relief and asked them to go downstairs and resume their breakfast.
"Who told you to lock the door? After today, you will not lock your door, understood?", Arya said sternly after everyone left.
"Arya... My baby, please trust me, I won't repeat it", Prateek said but Arya walked away asking him to come for breakfast soon.
"What happened my shatabdi express? You ran like a...", Karan started with a funny expression but seeing Arya glare at him, he shut up.
"Dadu... sorry, come I'll feed you now", Arya said and picked up the spoon but Narayan raised his hand stopping her seriously. "Dadu... sorry na... come...", Arya pleaded again...
"I refused, didn't I ?", Narayan said sternly, which surprised everyone as he never got serious with Arya till then, even Arya was taken aback at his tone. Her eyes were filled up, she could take anything in this world but not her grandfather's anger.
"No No No... Jaanu... I'm sorry, I was kidding... Jaanu, sorry", Narayan said, Arya looked at him sternly.
"What made you think you could joke like this?", Arya asked strongly.
"Didu... It's Dadu's birthday... let it go", Karan slowly said, knowing Arya's strictness.
"Did I ask you to talk? Neither you are a law student nor his advocate, so shut up", Arya sternly warned Karan. "And you Narayan Awasti... How dare you prank me like this?", she sternly asked
"Sorry, Jaanu... Really... I'm sorry...", Narayan said softly...
"Eat..." Arya said, feeding her grandfather, with scary thoughts occupying her head. How would he react to her marriage to Arshad Wasim Siddiqui? Would he ever see her face? Unknowingly, a tear slipped out of her eye, worrying Narayan, Karan, and Kiara.
"Please... Arya... sorry...", Narayan whispered, his heart broke seeing his favorite grandchild in tears. He loved Arya more than he loved his children.
"Eat properly... Karan, make sure Dadu eats well... I'll come in a bit...", Arya said and walked away, but came back, hugging Narayan tightly, kissing his cheek. "I'm not mad at you don't worry, and I'm fine", she said, Narayan kissed her hair before she walked away to compose herself. She calmed herself in the kitchen before walking back to the dining hall.
Prateek walked downstairs, Arya served her father and then sat beside him, with her grandfather to her other side.
"Arya... Is everything alright? You don't seem fine", Narayan asked, Arya nodded with a smile.
Prateek looked at his daughter with guilt and concern and Narayan noticed it.
"Prateek, meet me in my room before leaving for work", Narayan said but Arya interrupted him.
"Why? He is already getting late and so am I. I know what you want to talk to him. Keep your herogiri a side, yes dad and I had an argument but I don't need you to be my lawyer. I can handle him", Arya said sternly. Narayan nodded obediently making Karan and Kiara giggle at his fearful self.
"Today is my birthday, at least don't scold me today", Narayan said
"Then don't do things that get me mad Dadu... If you are in your best behavior, why would I yell at you, it's not my favorite hobby", Arya said and handed him his medicines after breakfast which he ate calmly.
Everyone completed the breakfast in silence noticing Arya's bad mood. Karan and Kiara left to the college and promised to return early for their grandfather's birthday party.
Arya picked her files from her room and walked to Narayan.
"Dadu, I'll be back soon, sorry that I have to go to office on your birthday, and sorry for getting mad at you... Take care of yourself, follow the physiotherapist's instructions, don't trouble her just because I am not there, I'll take your feedback", Arya iterated the instructions.
"Arya, today is my birthday, give me a break at least for today", Narayan pleaded but Arya shook her head and left followed by Prateek who increased his speed afraid his father would scold him in Arya's absence.
"Such a coward", Narayan muttered to himself seeing his son who rushed behind Arya.
Narayan didn't know the happenings, firstly he didn't like to hear anything about Rahman so Arya and everyone else kept things from him regarding Rahman. She knew her grandfather isn't a fool to not understand why Arya has suddenly started going to office but she didn't want to risk his health by telling him things that could get him hyper, and since it became a lot more serious, she decided to reveal things one by one to make a lower impact. She is gonna talk about her conditions with Arshad today, and if he agrees to her conditions, she didn't have to tell about this marriage to Narayan ever.
"Dad, when is Mr. Siddiqui reaching office?", Arya asked taking the passenger seat.
"I told him that you have something to talk to him, he said he will be there whenever you want him to", Prateek said, Arya glared at her father.
"He isn't that accommodating, no need to act such, ask him the time", Arya said and Prateek nodded dialing him. Since it's connected to the car, Arya could hear the conversation.
"Mr. Siddiqui, I called you to know at what time you'll be in our office", Prateek asked, getting straight to the point, there's nothing left for formalities anyway.
"Whenever your daughter is available, Sir...", Arshad said, his tone respectful but what's the use of that when he is using these kinds of methods to make him bow to his demands, thought Arya. She would have broken his teeth if he showed his arrogance of power or money to her father, or used a rude tone but he didn't, so she didn't directly attack him but that doesn't pull him out of her radar. Arshad Wasim Siddiqui's destruction has a name, Arya Awasti, determined she.
"See you at 2 PM Mr. Siddiqui, in Mr. Prateek Awasti's cabin, not a minute before or after", Arya said and hung up.
Prateek was stunned at his daughter's courage.
"Arya... He.. He is AWS...", Prateek said, cautioning his daughter but Arya frowned hearing her father call him AWS.
"Don't use that... I have fond memories with that title, don't use it for this man dad. And regarding your fear, let me make it clear, I am not afraid of Arshad Siddiqui, if any, he needs to be scared of me", Arya said, looking out of the window.
Arshad's eyes held deep surprise but a pleasant one. Arya Awasti hung up on him? She is the first every person to do that, people never hung up on him, or cut his words, not because they were afraid of him, but out of respect for him.
The way she commanded him, addressed him as Mr. Siddiqui and called her father as Mr. Prateek Awasti, he understood she is upto a deal, not a discussion for marriage and he is okay with that. He proposed this marriage knowing she is not okay with it, he hated himself for it, it was against the values he believed in, but his values also said to do anything to empower his people. So, the least he could is listen to her demands, and fulfill everything she wanted. No matter what he does, he couldn't right the wrong he is doing to her but he wanted to at least try doing what's best for her unless & until it's not about his community or family is hurting.
Her strong tone despite the vulnerable position she is in, once again reminded him of the strength, power and control Arya Awasti held. She is exactly the kind of woman he wanted, a woman who commanded respect, who held to her dignity and values always. He just hoped he wouldn't fall in love with her ever because that would only mess up his situation. He knew a man could burn the whole world for a woman like Arya Awasti if he fell in love with her, and if a man like him fell in love with her, it was difficult to imagine the kind of things he would do, so yes, it's only better he stay in his limits.
Exactly at 2PM, Prateek's secretary, Jatin knocked his cabin, and after hearing a come in, he opened the door and Arshad entered along with Jatin.
Prateek stood up and shook his hands with Arshad, when he extended his hand for a handshake. Arya so wanted to break his hand, thinking about what her father was about to do because of this one man but she handled her anger.
Arshad turned to Arya and greeted with a nod. She noticed he never shook hands with any woman. If she belonged to his community, he greets with a Salam, if not he just greets with a nod.
"So Mr. Siddiqui, I won't take much of your time, my father here told me you are open to hear our conditions, so here I go... So, I'll be stating the conditions one by one and we can discuss them, only if you are okay will this thing move ahead", Arya stated
"Fair enough, Ms. Awasti, go ahead, but let me clear you from my side, what I'm ready to offer you, then you can put forth your conditions", Arshad said and Arya nodded. Damn her strength, he looked her in the eye and not for once did she avert her eyes. Not many have pulled that fear, despite his calmness people tend to get nervous in his presence especially when looking into eyes so they keep averting their gaze, but here she looked him in the eye throughout. He had to avoid her gaze fearing his feelings for her would change. Well that's a first too.
"Firstly, this is a marriage and not a deal, and I wouldn't accept calling this anything else than marriage. It's my humble request to you and your family. I know and acknowledge what's being done is wrong, a marriage can never be forced but I wish the circumstances are different but some tough decisions are made to tackle tough times and this is a part of that.
Secondly, no matter the reasons we are getting into this marriage, you will be treated as my wife, given the respect you deserve, and, as I told your father, you will be the only wife I will ever have. Your actions will never be questioned unless they affect me, my family, my community, or my reputation. These are the first and foremost things I want to highlight. There are other things as well, but we can always discuss them later, "Arshad concluded.
"Well, that's some bold statements you have made Mr. Siddiqui and must I say, hypocrisy at its peak", Arya commented, Arshad raised his brow in amusement at her courage and attitude while Prateek looked in shock at his daughter's words.
"This is a business deal you have proposed to my father. The only difference is that it only benefits one party, which is unfair. So, let's discuss my terms, shall we?" Arya started. Arshad's eyes sparkled at her sharpness. He signed with his right palm, asking her to proceed.
"I know your reasons, maybe not all but yes, some of them", Arya started
"Just some Ms. Awasti?", Arshad asked with mirth dancing in his eyes, enjoying the smartest woman he met in his life, but her next words proved him that she is not just smart but the strongest.
"Yes Mr. Siddiqui, just some, because you are not someone you show people you are and I need to observe you more to know who you actually are", Arya stated looking him in the eye. Arshad was taken aback by her statement, no one could say that to his face, people usually don't and can't guess that.
"You wanted to get Vetrix to change it's hiring pattern, maybe that's one of the things in your agenda, but I can bet, it's the first and foremost... and I'm the one standing in your way, let me tell you, I'll be standing in your way always, in that case, this marriage is utterly useless, because I'm not legally binded to stand by you, so there's no point in it", Arya said, trying to see if Arshad would back away, if he did, then this is the only motive for him, if he didn't, then she would know he has other motives as well.
Arshad gave a small smile to her. He very well knew what Arya was trying to do. She was trying to find motives behind his move but he wouldn't lose so easily. Yes, he has many motives, not just one but he wouldn't let her know it.
"Fair point, you may choose to stand against me, but still I'll move forward with the confidence that maybe Arya Awasti's vote is against my proposal but Arya Awasti herself is on my side because then you will be Mrs. Siddiqui. That's enough to win the board if my proposal is right... Well, I have many innovative ideas to get the majority votes Ms. Awasti, imagine the confidence I would be winning if I declared the shares I recently obtained, and being your husband will be an added bonus. I'll change the hiring process, if not today, then tomorrow with or without your help. But let me give you a tip. If you help me now, it would be on your terms, and you may also get benefitted with this, but you'll be losing on this opportunity if I succeed in doing this without your help", Arshad said and Arya averted her gaze for the first time seeing his confidence.
She hated to admit he is right. There's one more factor he didn't know, that is Rahman's will where he wrote half of his shares to Arshad and that would increase his power and influence in the company, then he could definitely bring changes as he wanted, but then she wouldn't have the opportunity to negotiate with him. If she wants to get benefitted from this deal, this is the best time.
"I agree..." Arya said, and Prateek's eyes widened in shock. Her decision also surprised Arshad. Prateek thought his daughter would never agree to hire candidates from colleges consisting of one community. "But, I have something to add. I'll support this only if you agree to my terms", Arya said writing a few points on paper.
"Please go ahead", Arshad asked
"Firstly, I want a cap on the candidates hiring from these institutions. I don't want vetrix to lose the diverse workforce or compromise in it's security, it's fair hiring practices are considered as one of the best in the country despite the mass hiring every year, I don't want to lose the name, so I suggest we add institutions belonging to all communities in the country. At least we should be fair on paper if not in actual", Arya taunted Arshad with her last statement.
"Care to explain what you mean by fair on paper Ms. Awasti?", Arshad asked though he understood what she meant by that.
"There are many Hindu colleges but there's a significant number of students belonging to other religions studying in those Mr. Siddiqui, same with many missionary schools and collges, but can't say the same for some religions like yours, for example, students belonging to other religions in the institutions you wanted us to hire from are very low. In some colleges, the number is absolutely zero. That would be unfair right?", Arya questioned
"True... but these institutions do have seats for students from other religions", Arshad defended
"They do have seats, but are there any students was the real question Mr. Siddiqui... Anyway, what I want is non-negotiable, I want a cap on this kind of hiring, to be precise, I want a maximum of 10 % candidates from these institutions, and these include other religion-based institutions as well. Rest 90 % of the candidates will be hired from the usual methods Vetrix Inc. follows, if you agree, this discussion goes forward", Arya said and Arshad fell into thinking.
Despite the cap, he will be at an advantage since most of the candidates in those 10% will be belonging to his community. Arshad has a bigger motive to prioritising on the problem of unemployment among the youth of his community, pushing all other problems down. He wants to stop anti-nationalist groups to influence youth and weaponize them against their own nation. The major reason youth especially students become victim to this is lack of proper employment. He wants to resole this issue on prioirty. Its important that the hiring starts as soon as possible and for that, arya Awasti's support is very important, so he decided to agree for now. If he wanted he could always push to increase this cap.
"I agree, are there any other terms?", Arshad asked
"OH! well there are... The marriage will take place on SMA (Special Marriage Act) I will not, in any case, accept your religion", Arya strictly said and Arshad nodded. "And under this, there's no chance that you would be allowed to take another wife any way", she said and he so wanted to chuckle at her counter to his statement of not taking another wife ever.
"I don't expect you to convert to my religion as well", she added and his brows raised in amusement at her confident statement. "Anyway, there are no conversion methods anyway, a non-hindu can only practice Hinduism, they can never become a hindu, people are born into it", Arya proudly stated.
"Of course Ms. Awasti, it's the oldest faith, no other faith existed the so there's no point of creating a procedure to accept or convert to Hinduism. But nonetheless, we offer a choice, even to people not born into us, to accept our faith", Arshad said countering her.
"Anyway, Next?", he said, asking her to put her next terms in front of him. Arya gave a side-eye to her father, it's awkward to say it in front of her father but she has to, she didn't want to hide any terms in front of him, but as if god didn't want Prateek to know it, he received a call from Rahman's doctor and he walked out excusing himself, asking them to continue. Arya sighed before opening her mouth.
"We will not share the kind of relationship, a husband and wife shares", Arya said sternly, trying not to get embarrassed about it.
"No, I don't agree to this, as I told, you will be my only wife and I want to continue my bloodline... But yes, I can tell you, I won't be touching you without your consent, you have my word", he said and she shook her head.
"I already know that Mr. Siddiqui", Arya said, he frowned and she continued. "I already know you wouldn't touch me without my consent, you really think I would have considered this ridiculous deal of marriage, if I have even an ounce of doubt in you? I must say you badly trapped my fatehr leaving no choice for me to marry you, but I'm not that helpless too, to sacrifice or threaten my dignity. I would have preferred my family's destruction rather than sacrificing my dignity, I would have preferred my father in jail rather than that. If we are talking now meant I knew what kind of a man you are", Arya said and Arshad sat stunned. She again surprised him, with the kind of hatred she possessed for him, he thought she could never say or see anything good in him, but he was so wrong.
"Then what do you fear? Why do you want me to agree to your term? anyway, you know I won't touch you without your consent", Arshad said
"What if you take my consent with a knife on my father's neck?", Arya asked, and ouch it hurt his ego.
"I'm a man, and for me, touching a woman without her will is a sin... and going by your words, you would prefer your father dead rather than sacrificing your dignity", Arshad spoke and Arya remembered how and why she had to agree to this marriage and her hatred for Arshad Siddiqui blazed in her eyes again.
"Okay, I have one last condition... I will not move to your house after marriage", she said and he shook his head with a slight laugh.
"If this is a joke, then your sense of humour is questionable, if not, this is the most impractical thing I have ever heard", Arshad said
"This is definitely not a joke Mr. Siddiqui, I'm serious", Arya said
"That's impossible... You are required to come to my house, stay with me, as my wife.", Arshad said and Arya sighed
"I will stay at my place, with my family, unless and until it becomes absolutely necessary to come there. The reasons maybe societal pressures or reputation or anything of that sort", Arya tweaked, knowing Arshad wouldn't agree to her earlier point at any cost.
"Fine... I give you my word, unless and until it gets extremely important for you to shift to my place, I will not force you in any way to move to my house", Arshad said
"I have a condition as well...", he started and Prateek waked in and took his chair. Arya raised her brows in question. "Though the marriage takes place according to SMA, I want proper customs according to my faith to be taken place, it's important for me to accept you as my wife. If you want we can marry according to your traditions as well", Arshad proposed.
"Not necessary, I agree, we can wed according to your customs", Arya said
Arshad was again surprised, he didn't know why a woman who is so into her faith would agree to just marry him legally and customs accoridng to his faith? Why not hers? Though she didn't say, he has a fair idea of why she did that. She is clearly reluctant to take him as her husband, so she avoided the rituals beloging to her faith, to avoid insulting her customs as she couldn't accept him as her husband. Fine! if that's what she wants! but he will accept her as his wife and fulill all his duties as a husband unless and until she gives him a reason not to.
"As you wish Ms. Awasti, I'll have the written notice with our details sent to the registrar, see you at the venue for marriage after 30 days", Arshad said, looking her in the eye, she just gave him a nod. Arshad turned to Prateek, shook his hands and left from there.
"I'm sorry Arya...", Prateek said, holding his head.
"What did the doctor say? Any luck?", Arya asked, ignoring her father's guilt. Now is not the time for guilt or blame game, they had to stay strong and stand together to defeat Arshad Siddiqui.
"The specialist doctors from Germany checked Rahman's reports, they are not so optimistic about his recovery", Prateek said, his tone breaking. If something happens to Rahman, he will have to deal with not just the emotional pain of losing his best friend, but also see Arshad Wasim Siddiqui becoming more powerful in Vetrix which makes his daughter's life tougher or so he thought.
Precap - Marriage, Narayan gets to know. Arshad insists on Hindu rituals as well later. Why?
Note - Everything mentioned above is a part of my imagination. Anything similar to reality is purely a coincidence. Please see this only as fiction. No hate towards a particular religion is accepted or tolerated. RESPECT ALL.
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